Dust Collection and Valves Blog

Airflow Through a Dust Collection System | Aerodyne

Posted by Tom Hobson on Sep 25, 2024 10:15:00 AM

When you are dealing with dust collection system, the most important component is having the correct airflow going through your system so that the dust collection is properly done. While this initially appears to be simple it is the most complex part of a dust collection system. To put it simply, every component from the pickup hoods to the exhaust stack affect the airflow going through the system. And any changes, whether deliberate (ex. changing filters) or accidental (filters plugging) the airflow in the system will be affected. The following explains the different components in the dust collection system and how they affect the airflow.

Pickup Points/ Hoods

Most dust collection system have pickup points/hoods that are used to collect the dust by pulling the air around the location into the dust collection system. The amount of air and the profile of the airflow is based on the hood design. Some hoods are located close to the dust source while other hoods are used to pick up dust across a large area. Using the correct hood is very important when you are designing the dust collector. If you are using a hood designed for pinpoint collection but need to collect over a wide area you will not get the dust collection you are looking for. If you use a wide area hood for pinpoint collection you will be collecting more airflow that is required, thereby increasing the size of you dust collection system.


Now that we have captured the dust in our hoods, we must transport the dust from the hoods to the dust collector. Sometimes you located the dust collector right next to the area you are collecting the dust and sometimes it is located all the way on the other side of the facility. Some dust collectors are dedicated to a single area or process while others handle multiple areas (hoods). All of this requires ductwork to transport the air from one place to another.

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Dust Collectors

There are many different types of dust collectors that you can use in the system. Each of them have certain strengths and weaknesses. The most common are baghouses, cartridge collectors and wet scrubbers.

Baghouses and cartridge collectors use a filter media that builds up dust and prevents the dust from passing. The filters will be periodically cleaned (by shaking or with compressed air). Over time the dust layer will increase, causing the pressure drop across the filters to increase.

There are multiple types of wet scrubbers used for dust collection. The most common are venturi scrubbers and what can be described as cloud chambers. Cloud chambers use high pressure nozzles to create very small particles to make contact with the dust. While venturi scrubbers force the airflow and water through a small diameter section, forcing the water and dust to contact. Afterward both units have mist eliminators and/or packed towers to collect the water droplet.

Auxiliary Equipment and Accessories

The dust collection system might have auxiliary equipment such as pre-filters, HEPA filters, isolation valves, manifolds and control dampers which could affect the airflow in the system. They all could have pressure drops associated with them, which would need to be added to the system total static pressure for the proper airflow to be achieved by the system.

Exhaust Fan

The exhaust fan is usually the motive power behind the dust collection system. And usually the exhaust fan is a centrifugal blower. One of the characteristics of the centrifugal blower is that the airflow produced by the fan is directly tied to the static pressure produced by the fan at a specific speed. Each centrifugal blower has a performance curve which shows what the airflow and static pressure will be.

The main thing to remember is that if for some reason the pressure drop in the system increases, the airflow through the system will decrease according to the fan performance curve. Often times it is a good idea to install a variable frequency drive (VFD) on the fan so that you can adjust the speed of the fan allotting for changes in filter conditions and other process upsets.

So, to summarize, the dust collection system is sized and designed based on the total airflow going through it. Each of the components has an effect on the whole system, which often times are cumulative. Any modification of the system could affect every other piece of equipment, thereby affecting the total effectiveness of the system. As described above, the dust collection at the pickup points are entirely dependent on the airflow going through them. Any upset, modification, maintenance issue, etc. could affect that airflow, thereby causing the dust collector system not to provide the performance it was designed to do. Therefore, constant monitoring of the airflow in the system is the best way to monitor the dust collection system.

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Topics: pre-filter, dust collection system, airflow in dust collector

Optimizing Dust Collector Installation and Operation: Comprehensive Guidelines for Success | Aerodyne

Posted by Tom Hobson on Jul 31, 2024 2:15:00 PM

Once you’ve selected and sized your dust collector to meet the specific needs of your application, it’s crucial to address several additional factors to ensure that this vital piece of equipment operates both efficiently and reliably. Whether you’re installing a baghouse, cartridge filter, cyclone, or a combination of these dust collection systems, meticulous attention to detail during both the pre-installation and post-installation phases can significantly impact performance and longevity. Here’s an expanded guide covering essential aspects to ensure a seamless installation and optimal operation of your dust collection system:

Sizing and Placement

  1. Verify Dimensions and Fit:

    • Detailed Measurements: Before proceeding with installation, meticulously recheck the overall dimensions of the dust collector. This includes not only the dust collector unit itself but also the space required for ancillary components such as fans, discharge valves, collection containers, and ductwork.
    • Planning for Future Needs: Consider future expansion or modification needs. If you anticipate additional equipment or changes in the system, ensure that the space you allocate can accommodate these future upgrades without requiring significant reconfiguration.
  2. Allow for Maintenance Access:

    • Routine Maintenance Space: Adequate space around the dust collector is essential for routine maintenance tasks such as changing filters, inspecting components, and performing necessary adjustments. This space should also facilitate safe and efficient work, reducing downtime and improving overall system reliability.
    • Emergency Access: Plan for easy access in case of emergencies. Quick access points can make it easier to address unexpected issues or system failures, minimizing potential operational disruptions.
  3. Consider Environmental Factors:

    • Ventilation: Ensure that the installation location has adequate ventilation to prevent overheating and to maintain the effectiveness of the dust collection system. Poor ventilation can lead to decreased performance and increased wear on equipment.
    • Temperature and Humidity Control: Evaluate and manage environmental conditions, including temperature and humidity. Extreme temperatures or high humidity levels can affect the performance and lifespan of the dust collector, potentially causing operational problems or premature equipment failure.
  4. Space for System Components:

    • Clearances for Components: Account for the space needed for all system components, including bracing, supports, and controls. Adequate clearance helps prevent interference with system operations and facilitates easier installation and future maintenance tasks.
    • Accessibility for Ductwork: Ensure that there is sufficient space for installing and accessing ductwork. Proper ductwork design and installation are critical for maintaining efficient airflow and preventing dust buildup within the system.

Discharge Airlock Valve

  1. Select the Appropriate Valve:

    • Compatibility with Dust Type: Choose a valve that is suited to handle the specific type of dust being collected. For example, abrasive dust may require a valve with durable components, while sticky dust might need a valve designed to prevent clogging.
    • Airlock Efficiency: The valve should provide a reliable airlock to prevent pressure drops within the system. Proper airlock functionality ensures that dust is efficiently removed from the collector without disrupting the overall system pressure.
  2. Regular Inspection for Wear and Leaks:

    • Check for Component Wear: Regularly inspect the valve for signs of wear and tear. Components such as flanges, shafts, and seals should be checked for damage or degradation, as these can lead to leaks and reduced efficiency.
    • Leak Detection: Implement routine checks for leaks around the valve. Addressing leaks promptly can prevent reduced system performance and minimize potential operational disruptions.
  3. Evaluate Valve Options:

    • Automatic vs. Manual: Consider the benefits of automatic valves over manual ones. Automatic valves can provide power and maintenance savings and enhance the consistency of dust removal. They can also integrate with automated control systems for improved efficiency.
    • Power and Maintenance Costs: Analyze the total cost of ownership, including power consumption and maintenance requirements. Automatic valves may offer long-term cost benefits by reducing manual intervention and optimizing performance.
  4. Integration with Control Systems

    • Automation and Monitoring: Integrate the discharge valve with your control systems for real-time monitoring and performance management. Automated systems can provide valuable insights into valve operation, detect issues early, and facilitate proactive maintenance.
    • Data Collection and Analysis: Utilize data collected from control systems to analyze valve performance and identify trends. This information can help in making informed decisions about maintenance schedules and system adjustments.

While these considerations might seem fundamental, neglecting them can lead to significant challenges and increased costs. Addressing the dimensions, placement, and operational aspects of the dust collector and its components with careful planning and attention to detail can enhance the efficiency and longevity of your dust collection system. By prioritizing proper installation, maintenance, and monitoring, you can avoid common pitfalls, reduce downtime, and ensure that your dust collection system remains a reliable and effective component of your process equipment.

Investing time and effort into these preparatory steps will pay off in the form of a smoother installation process, improved system performance, and reduced long-term costs

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Topics: airlocks valve, Dust Efficiency Clinic, dust collection system

Ensuring Effective Dust Collection System Management | Aerodyne

Posted by Tom Hobson on Jun 28, 2024 10:15:00 AM

A common problem that the dust collection industry faces is that once a dust collection system is installed, the records of the system are often lost or forgotten. Typically, the engineer who designed the system moves to another position or eventually retires, and the details are not passed along to the next person. This lack of continuity can lead to significant challenges when issues develop.

The Challenge of Lost Knowledge

When an issue arises, the new engineer responsible for fixing the problem often doesn't know what the unit was originally designed for or many other critical details. This knowledge gap can complicate troubleshooting and maintenance efforts. Sometimes, the equipment manufacturer has the specifications available, but these records are not always easy to locate. As a result, when experts are called in to help resolve the issue, the system often has to be reverse-engineered.

The Cost of Reverse Engineering

Reverse engineering a dust collection system means dedicating additional time and resources to figure out the original design. This process is not only time-consuming but also carries no guarantee that the recreated design will match the original specifications. Any discrepancies can lead to suboptimal system performance and increased operational costs.

The Impact of Undocumented Changes

Another common issue is that changes made to dust collection equipment are not always documented. Modifications can include adding or removing pickup points, altering ductwork, changing fans, or updating filters. All these adjustments can significantly affect the system's performance. Without proper documentation, these changes can create confusion and hinder effective problem-solving when issues arise.

Best Practices for Documentation

To mitigate these problems, Aerodyne suggests maintaining a comprehensive file that reflects the current design of the dust collection system. This file should include:

  • Up-to-date drawings
  • Airflow measurements
  • Pressure drop data
  • Equipment specifications

It's crucial that this file is accessible to multiple people within the facility. This accessibility ensures that if someone leaves or transitions to a different role, the information is not lost. A centralized, easily accessible record-keeping system can significantly improve the efficiency of maintenance and troubleshooting processes.

Implementing a Documentation Strategy

Here are some practical steps to ensure your dust collection system documentation remains current and accessible:

  1. Establish a Documentation Protocol: Develop a standardized procedure for documenting all aspects of your dust collection system. This should include creating detailed records of any changes made to the system.
  2. Regular Updates: Schedule regular reviews of the documentation to ensure it reflects the current system configuration. Any modifications should be promptly added to the records.
  3. Digital Record Keeping: Utilize digital tools and software to store and organize documentation. Digital records are easier to update, search, and share compared to physical files.
  4. Training and Awareness: Train staff on the importance of maintaining accurate records and how to access the documentation. Ensure that multiple team members are familiar with the documentation process and location.
  5. Backup Systems: Implement backup systems for digital records to prevent data loss. Regularly back up files to secure locations.


Effective documentation is vital for the smooth operation and maintenance of dust collection systems. By keeping detailed and accessible records, facilities can avoid the pitfalls of lost knowledge and undocumented changes. This proactive approach ensures that when issues arise, they can be addressed swiftly and accurately, minimizing downtime and maintaining optimal system performance.

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Topics: Dust Efficiency Clinic, dust collector records keeping, dust collection system

Revolutionizing Dust Collection: Aerodyne Vacu-Valve vs. Rotary Airlocks | Aerodyne

Posted by Tom Hobson on May 31, 2024 4:42:29 PM

In industrial settings, dust collection systems are vital for maintaining clean and safe work environments. Most dust collectors are equipped with a motor-driven rotary airlock valve that efficiently empties contents from the hoppers. Rotary valves have been a staple in dust collection technology for many years due to their reliability and effectiveness in managing dust discharge. They offer certain advantages, such as the ability to handle a continuous flow of dust and debris. However, these traditional systems come with several significant drawbacks.

One of the main challenges with rotary valves is the difficulty and time-consuming nature of their maintenance. Cleaning rotary valves is a cumbersome process that often requires system downtime, which can disrupt operations and lead to productivity losses. Additionally, rotary valves operate continuously, regardless of the presence of dust. This constant operation results in unnecessary electricity consumption, leading to increased energy costs.

Moreover, the continuous running of these valves accelerates their wear and tear. Rotary valves can wear out rapidly, especially when handling abrasive materials, leading to frequent and costly repairs or replacements. The need for regular maintenance and replacement parts adds to the overall operating costs, making rotary valves less economical over time.

To address these issues, Aerodyne has developed a highly cost-effective alternative: the Vacu-Valve® Trickle Valve System. This innovative solution leverages the principles of negative pressure within the material handling system to function efficiently without the drawbacks associated with traditional rotary valves.

The Aerodyne Vacu-Valve® Trickle Valve

The Vacu-Valve operates using a simple yet effective mechanism. It features a duckbill sleeve that remains closed under the system's negative pressure. As dust or material accumulates, the pressure forces the sleeve open, allowing the contents to discharge smoothly. Once the material has emptied, the negative pressure immediately reseals the duckbill sleeve, preventing any backflow or leakage. This process repeats as necessary, ensuring efficient and controlled discharge of dust and materials.

One of the standout features of the Vacu-Valve system is its low maintenance requirements. Unlike rotary valves, the Vacu-Valve requires no lubrication, power, or complex controls. This reduces the need for regular maintenance and eliminates the associated downtime and costs. The absence of moving parts that require constant operation means there is significantly less wear and tear, further extending the lifespan of the system.

The Vacu-Valve system is also highly versatile, with a range of duckbill sleeve options designed for specific applications. Whether dealing with fine dust, coarse particles, or abrasive materials, there is a Vacu-Valve configuration to suit the need. Additionally, the Vacu-Valve is available in both open and closed designs, offering flexibility to accommodate various operational requirements.

In summary, the Aerodyne Vacu-Valve® Trickle Valve System represents a significant advancement in dust collection technology. By eliminating the need for continuous operation, reducing maintenance demands, and offering adaptable solutions for different materials, the Vacu-Valve provides a cost-effective and efficient alternative to traditional rotary airlock valves. For industries looking to enhance their dust collection systems, the Vacu-Valve offers a reliable, economical, and low-maintenance solution.

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Topics: rotary valves, vacu-valve, dust collection system

Optimizing Dust Collection Efficiency: Exploring Airlock Alternatives | Aerodyne

Posted by Tom Hobson on Apr 26, 2024 3:45:00 PM

Selecting the appropriate airlock for your dust collection system is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and efficiency. While the rotary valve is a common choice, exploring alternative airlock options can lead to better results tailored to your specific application needs. In this article, we'll delve deeper into the various airlock alternatives available, highlighting their features, benefits, and suitability for different scenarios.

Rotary Valve

The rotary valve is a staple in many dust collection systems, particularly when handling combustible dust. Its robust construction and reliable operation make it well-suited for a wide range of applications. However, the downside of constant air leakage across the valve can impact system efficiency and contribute to maintenance challenges over time.

Double Dump Valve

For applications where minimizing air leakage is paramount, the double dump valve emerges as a viable solution. This airlock excels in handling large, bulky materials and offers enhanced performance in scenarios where material wrapping around the rotary valve rotor is a concern. By reducing air leakage, it ensures more efficient dust collection and helps maintain air quality standards.

Trickle Valve

Cost-effective and easy to maintain, the trickle valve is an attractive option for operations seeking simplicity and affordability. Operating with a vacuum and suitable for fine, free-flowing particles, it provides efficient material discharge while requiring minimal upkeep. Its low cost of ownership and straightforward operation make it a popular choice for many applications.

Knife Gates

Designed for periodic emptying of dust collector hoppers, knife gates offer versatility in design and functionality. Available in various configurations, including knife gate, slide gate, and orifice type, they provide flexibility to accommodate different application requirements. However, it's essential to consider their sealing capabilities and potential airlock loss when open to ensure compatibility with specific operational needs.

Direct Coupling to a Hopper

Simple and straightforward, direct coupling to a hopper is suitable for low dust loading situations. While it offers ease of operation, it may require the dust collector to be turned off during hopper changes, impacting overall system uptime. Additionally, precautions must be taken in combustible dust applications to address safety concerns associated with the lower hopper.

Expanding your understanding of airlock options beyond the rotary valve can lead to significant improvements in dust collection system performance. By considering factors such as material characteristics, air leakage concerns, and maintenance requirements, you can select the most suitable airlock for your specific application. This informed decision-making process not only enhances operational efficiency but also contributes to cost-effectiveness and long-term sustainability.

For expert guidance in selecting the right airlock for your dust collection needs, don't hesitate to contact Aerodyne at 440-543-7400 or dc@dustcollectorhq.com. Their team is dedicated to helping you address your dust collection challenges effectively and efficiently.

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Topics: rotary valves, vacu-valve, airlocks valve

Why Companies Avoid Upgrading Dust Collectors? | Aerodyne

Posted by Tom Hobson on Mar 26, 2024 11:54:47 AM

Dust collectors are vital components in many industrial settings, responsible for maintaining air quality and ensuring the safety of workers. However, despite their importance, some companies hesitate to replace their aging dust collection systems. In this blog post, we'll delve into the reasons behind this hesitation and explore why upgrading dust collectors is crucial for both worker safety and operational efficiency.

Cost Concerns

One of the primary reasons companies avoid replacing dust collectors is the perceived cost. Purchasing and installing a new dust collection system can indeed involve a significant upfront investment. However, it's essential to consider the long-term savings and benefits, such as improved efficiency, reduced maintenance costs, and compliance with regulations.

Lack of Awareness

In some cases, companies may not fully understand the importance of modern dust collection systems or the potential risks associated with outdated equipment. Educating decision-makers about the benefits of newer technologies, such as advanced filtration systems and energy-efficient designs, can help dispel misconceptions and encourage investment in upgrades.

Maintenance Overhaul

Over time, older dust collectors may become less effective due to wear and tear, leading to increased maintenance requirements and downtime. Some companies opt to continue repairing and maintaining existing systems rather than investing in replacements. However, constant repairs can be costly and may only provide temporary solutions. Upgrading to a newer model can reduce maintenance needs and improve overall reliability.

Regulatory Compliance

Regulations governing air quality and workplace safety are continuously evolving, placing greater emphasis on the need for efficient dust collection systems. Outdated equipment may struggle to meet current standards, putting companies at risk of non-compliance and potential fines. Investing in modern dust collectors ensures adherence to regulations and protects workers from exposure to harmful airborne particles.

Performance Limitations

As industrial processes evolve and production volumes increase, older dust collectors may struggle to keep up with the demand. Inefficient filtration, inadequate airflow, and outdated control systems can lead to decreased performance and compromised air quality. Upgrading to a newer model with enhanced capabilities can optimize dust collection efficiency and support growing operational needs.

While the decision to replace dust collectors may initially seem daunting, the benefits far outweigh the challenges. By investing in modern, efficient systems, companies can improve worker safety, enhance operational efficiency, and ensure compliance with regulations. Overcoming cost concerns, increasing awareness of the importance of dust collection, addressing maintenance issues, and prioritizing performance upgrades are essential steps in safeguarding both workers and business operations. Ultimately, embracing technological advancements in dust collection is a proactive measure that pays off in the long run, promoting a safer and healthier work environment for all.

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Topics: dust collector, Cyclone Pre-Filter, GPC Cyclone

Aerodyne GPC™ Cyclonic Dust Collector Captures Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients | Aerodyne

Posted by Tom Hobson on Feb 29, 2024 3:25:10 PM

In industrial processes, the value of efficient material recovery is an important aspect and emphasizes the pivotal role that cyclonic dust collector technology plays in the recovery of highly valuable materials during production. One noteworthy example highlighting the significance of this technology in the manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API), particularly in the context of drying systems.

Traditionally, bag or cartridge filters have been used in most dust collection applications. However, in API production, such conventional filtration methods can create issues such as potential contamination problems causing production delays. The use of cyclonic dust collectors can eliminate these issues.

Specialized Design for Exceptional Efficiency

The cyclonic dust collector is designed to collect fine, low-density particles in applications like API production. Efficiency and reliability make dust collecting cyclones a logical solution for the recovery of highly valuable materials. Unlike traditional filters, the counter-cyclonic technology prevents contamination and possible delays providing a more efficient production process.

Boosting the Bottom Line through Increased Efficiency

There is a direct correlation between the efficiency of material reclamation and cost saving. In industries where process materials are expensive even minimal waste can be costly. The design of cyclonic dust collectors enhances the efficiency of product reclamation.

In the realm of API manufacturing, process consistency is essential. The use of cyclonic material collection technology allows the effective recovery of valuable material lost during operation. The result is a smoother production process minimizing valuable material loss contributing to the overall profitability of an operation.

Economic Advantages: Minimal Maintenance

Apart from impressive efficiency, a cyclonic dust collector offers other cost savings to a process operation. Unlike filtration systems that rely on bag or cartridge filters, cyclonic collectors have no moving parts. This simplifies operation while minimizing maintenance cost.

The GPC™ cyclonic dust collector also offers a hinged door for additional cost savings on the horizontal designed unit. The optional door provides cleaning access to the collector’s interior versus more traditional cyclones.

Versatility and Ease of Installation

The GPC™ cyclonic dust collector provides versatility offering either vertical or horizontal orientation to adapt to possible space constraints and operational setups.

This versatility not only makes the installation process smoother but allows integration of the collector into existing production processes. The result is businesses can utilize the benefits of advanced dust collection technology without significant changes to ongoing operations.

In conclusion, for businesses engaged in the processing of high-value materials, like API manufacturing, investing in advanced dust collection technology it is a strategic move that can positively impact production efficiency and maintenance cost. GPC™cyclonic dust collectors offer technological advantages beyond traditional filtration methods, offering exceptional efficiency, minimal maintenance requirements, and unmatched versatility in installation particularly in industries where the recovery of highly valuable materials is critical.

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Topics: dust collector, Cyclone Pre-Filter, GPC Cyclone

How to Enhance Your Dust Collection System | Aerodyne

Posted by Tom Hobson on Nov 29, 2023 3:15:00 PM

Maintaining a clean and safe working environment is essential, especially in workshops and industrial settings where dust and airborne particles are common byproducts. A well-designed dust collection system is crucial for both the health of workers and the longevity of machinery. We will explore various ways to enhance the performance of your dust collection system, ensuring optimal efficiency and effectiveness.

1. Assess Your Current System

Begin by evaluating your existing dust collection system. Identify any bottlenecks, leaks, or areas where the system might be underperforming. Consider factors such as ductwork layout, filter condition, and the capacity of the collection unit. This initial assessment will provide valuable insights into the specific areas that need improvement.

2. Proper Ductwork Design

Efficient ductwork design is fundamental to the success of any dust collection system. Ensure that the ducts are appropriately sized to maintain a consistent airflow velocity. Minimize bends and turns in the ductwork, as these can lead to pressure drops. Straight and smooth ducts allow for better particle transport, reducing the likelihood of dust settling and clogging the system.

3. Optimize Airflow and Velocity

Achieving the right balance of airflow and velocity is critical for an effective dust collection system. Too much or too little airflow can compromise performance. Consult equipment manuals or an HVAC professional to determine the optimal airflow rate for your machinery and workspace. Adjust the system accordingly to maintain a consistent and efficient collection of dust particles.

4. Regular Maintenance

Frequent maintenance is key to the longevity and efficiency of your dust collection system. Check and replace filters as needed, inspect ductwork for leaks, and clean out any accumulated dust or debris. Neglecting regular maintenance can lead to reduced system performance and potential safety hazards. Develop a maintenance schedule and adhere to it diligently.

5. Invest in High-Quality Filters

The effectiveness of a dust collection system heavily relies on the quality of its filters. Consider upgrading to high-efficiency filters that can capture smaller particles, providing a cleaner and healthier workspace. HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filters are an excellent choice for trapping even the tiniest airborne particles, contributing to improved air quality.

6. Utilize Secondary Filtration

In some cases, incorporating secondary filtration can enhance the overall performance of your dust collection system. Cyclone separators and baghouses are examples of secondary filtration devices that can capture larger particles before they reach the main filter. This not only extends the life of the primary filter but also prevents premature clogging.

7. Consider Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs)

Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) enable you to adjust the speed of your dust collection system's fan motor. By varying the speed based on demand, you can optimize energy consumption and maintain consistent airflow. This not only contributes to cost savings but also ensures that the system is operating at peak efficiency.

A well-designed and properly maintained dust collection system is a valuable asset for any workspace. By assessing your current system, optimizing ductwork design, maintaining regular upkeep, and investing in high-quality filters, you can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your dust collection system. Implementing these improvements not only contributes to a healthier working environment but also enhances the longevity and performance of your machinery.

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Topics: dust collector, Cyclone Pre-Filter, GPC Cyclone

Extending Filter Lifespan with Cyclone Pre-Filters | Aerodyne

Posted by Tom Hobson on Oct 31, 2023 1:30:00 PM

Baghouses and Cartridge collectors are very good at removing dust from their air. However, when the dust concentration is high, or the dust is abrasive, wet, sticky or fibrous, the baghouse filters can have issues.  

  • High concentration will plug of filters quickly.
  • Abrasive dust will cause holes to develop in the filters.
  • Wet and sticky dust will plug up the filter and/or cause filter failure.
  • Fibrous dust will not easily fall to the hopper causing filters to plug.

Installation of a cyclone pre-filter is an ideal way of extending filter life.  The cyclone uses centrifugal forces to capture the dust and remove it from the airstream.  Often times the cyclone will remove 80-90% of the dust before a baghouse or cartridge collector.  This allows the filters to concentrate on the smaller dust that makes it past the cyclone.

And if you have a pulse-on-demand controller for your baghouse, you will further extend the filter life, as the filters will only be cleaned when required.

What is a cyclone dust collector?

Cyclone dust collectors are dust collectors that use centrifugal motion to remove dust from an airstream. They don’t have any moving parts and don’t use filters for dust removal. Most cyclones are vertical in design, even though Aerodyne Environmental has compact horizontal cyclone designs. They are often used as pre-filters to increase baghouse, cartridge collector and wet scrubber system efficiencies.

What is a cyclone pre-filter?

Cyclone pre-filters are cyclones installed before a baghouse or cartridge collector to increase the removal efficiency of the system.  They extend filter life and lower utility usages. The cyclone pre-filter is often used on those applications that have “Tough” dust.  “Tough” dust would be dust that is abrasive, hygroscopic, fibrous and/or wet. Often times this dust will cause operational issues with baghouse and cartridge collectors.

Why install a cyclone pre-filter?

Cyclone pre-filters are installed to optimize a dust collection system. This could mean increasing the removal efficiency of an existing dust collection system. It could be to extend filter life by decreasing the dust loading the filters are seeing, thereby decreasing the cleaning required. 

Additionally, cyclone pre-filters will lower compressed air/plant air usage by increasing the intervals between cleaning when a pulse-on-demand control system is used with it. And in those special applications, the Aerodyne SplitStream cyclone can add hot or cold air into the dirty airstream, thereby treating the air while collecting dust.

Signs You Need a Pre-Filter

The following are some signs that your dust collector isn’t operating up to par and you should look at installing a cyclone pre-filters.

  1. There is a high pressure drop across your filters. This is caused by the dust building up on the filters and not being cleaned off fast enough.  The high pressure drop causes the fan to pull less air to compensate, thereby letting more dust out on to the shop floor.
  2. Filters are being replaces too fast! The most common filter failures are by developing holes or plugging up.  Both failures are tied to high dust loadings.
  3. Valuable product or raw material is being disposed in the dust collector waste due to contamination. As stated above, filters build up dust layers to provide the removal efficiency. Those filters will retain the material over time. If the material is valuable, this can be a lot of money that is going to waste. Pre-filters will allow the material to be collected and used in the process or product before it can be contaminated in the filters.
  4. Do you have a high cost of water treatment and disposal of the scrubber blowdown? When wet scrubbers capture particulate, slurry is formed. This slurry will then have to be disposed. It will often be sent to a water treatment plant. The water treatment plant might be dedicated to the facility or municipal. Either way, additional costs are added to treat the slurry before it is disposed of or reused. A pre-filter removes a portion of the material before it is put into slurry, thereby saving costs on waste-water treatment.
  5. Similar to above, since wet scrubbers form slurries, any valuable material collected in the wet scrubber will be in that slurry. So, unless the desired state of the material is within the slurry, it will have to be processed to make it useful. This means additional steps (and expense) are required to recycle the material. A cyclone pre-filter removes the material dry, before it is in slurry, thereby saving costs.

So, before you decide to purchase a new dust collector, look into the benefits of installing a cyclone pre-filter.  You just might save yourself money!

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Topics: Cyclone Pre-Filter, GPC Cyclone, splitScream Cyclone

GPC Dust Collector: Efficiency and Space Savings | Aerodyne

Posted by Tom Hobson on Sep 29, 2023 1:12:37 PM

Designing a ventilation system always involves considering space constraints. Ductwork, which is essential for air distribution, occupies space within the facility, and its design must efficiently use the available area while ensuring optimal airflow.

Furthermore, complying with NFPA regulations often requires placing dust collectors outside the primary working area due to safety concerns. This external placement adds an extra layer of space management complexity. Additionally, dust collectors are typically mounted on structural supports known as skids, which simplify installation and relocation but also consume additional space within the facility. Therefore, creating an effective ventilation system design requires careful consideration of how these elements harmonize within the given space while meeting safety and efficiency requirements.

Aerodyne's GPC cyclone offers a practical solution for applications where space is a premium concern. Its compact design and efficient performance allow it to seamlessly replace bulkier equipment, making it a space-saving choice for a wide range of industries. By doing so, it not only maximizes available workspace but also simplifies maintenance and enhances operational efficiency. This versatility makes the GPC cyclone a valuable asset, offering a viable and efficient alternative to traditional, space-consuming equipment in various applications. 

Aerodyne GPC Cyclone

The GPC cyclone's compact design offers remarkable space-saving advantages, as it can be accommodated in areas that are only half to a third of the size required for traditional cyclones, as shown in the attached documentation. This compactness often permits indoor placement, aligning with NFPA-654 (2) regulations. Various industries, including those operating clean rooms, mines, vehicles, and portable systems, can capitalize on these space-efficient attributes.

Furthermore, the GPC cyclone's design introduces the opportunity for installation in smaller spaces, potentially replacing the need for extensive ductwork, including 90° elbows. Additionally, it can serve as an effective pre-filter for existing cartridge collectors, baghouses, and electrostatic precipitators. This adaptability opens doors to innovative system configurations, such as positioning it above a conveyor belt to recapture particulate matter and reintroduce it onto the conveyor, showcasing the versatility and space-saving capabilities of the GPC cyclone.

The GPC cyclone by Aerodyne provides an added advantage by eliminating the need for an equipment skid. Many companies accustomed to traditional cyclones may hesitate to incorporate a pre-filter or cyclone dust collector into their skid or unit due to space constraints. However, GPC cyclones can be conveniently mounted on various equipment, such as on top of a dryer, behind a crusher, or at the inlet of a cartridge collector, without requiring a skid. This flexibility simplifies installation and ensures that space considerations do not impede the adoption of efficient dust collection solutions.

Moreover, the adaptability of GPC cyclones extends to marine applications, where space efficiency is paramount. Unlike traditional cyclones that demand multiple levels of a vessel's decks, a GPC cyclone can be installed on a single deck, greatly enhancing the practicality, serviceability, functionality, and feasibility of incorporating cyclone-based dust collection systems on ocean or lake vessels. This versatility underscores the GPC cyclone's ability to provide effective dust collection solutions without imposing significant space-related limitations. 

With these savings in space, facilities can operate more efficiently and avoid floor space issues. For more information on the GPC, click on the link below or contact Aerodyne at dc@dustcollectorhq.com or by phone at (440) 543-7400.

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Topics: traditional cyclone, GPC Cyclone, splitScream Cyclone

Aerodyne Environmental: Home of the Horizontal Cyclone and  Vacu-Valve® Airlock Valve

Inspired To Be Different.

At Aerodyne, we choose to take a different approach to collecting dust and handling materials. Our cyclones are unique in design to address common issues such as problematic dusts and space constraints. Our airlocks are chosen to fit your specific application instead of hastily installing traditional equipment options. We believe that when we see things differently, we can solve problems effectively. That's why so many people turn to us for help in solving their tough dust problems.

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