When you are specifying your dust collector, don’t just settle on a rotary valve. There are other airlocks that might be better suited for your application. Other airlocks include the double dump (flap) valve, trickle valve, and knife gate. Not to mention just bypassing an airlock totally and connecting a hopper directly to the bottom of the dust collector.
The following will help you figure out which is the best solution:
- Rotary valve – Use this if you have combustible dust. However, you will have constant air leakage across the valve.
- Double dump valve – Use this if you want to minimize air leakage. The Double Dump works great with big, chunky material or if you’re worried the material may wrap around a rotary valve rotor.
- Trickle valve – Use to save money and time. Requires a vacuum and usually a fine, free-flowing particle to work effectively. It’s low cost and easy maintenance makes it very attractive when suitable.
- Knife Gates – Used for periodic emptying of the dust collector hopper into another container. Knife gates come in a variety of design (knife gate, slide gate, orifice type, etc.). Depending on the design, they can provide an airtight seal or not. However when open, the airlock is lost.
- Direct couple to a hopper – Used with low dust loading and could require the dust collector to be turned off during changing of the hopper. Also be-careful to take into account the lower hopper when used on a combustible dust application.
When you are looking for an airlock, don’t just automatically use a rotary valve. Doing so may cause operational and maintenance issues in the future. It could also cost you more money. If you would like help in picking the best airlock, don’t hesitate to contact Aerodyne at 440-543-7400 or dc@dustcollectorhq.com. He is available to help you to solve your dust collection issues.