Dust Collection and Valves Blog

The Benefits and Restrictions of Clamp Together Ductwork | Aerodyne

Posted by Tom Hobson on Jan 24, 2019 2:00:01 PM

The use of clamp together ductwork has increased over the past few years. There are multiple suppliers of clamp together ductwork which helps to keep the prices down. Clamp together ductwork is easy to design and install. 

The Benefits of Clamp Together Ductwork 

  • Easy to design - One of the main benefits of clamped ductwork is that extremely accurate measurements aren’t required. The clamp together ductwork allows you to adjust the length.  This makes installation of the ductwork much easier than standard flanged ductwork.  So when you are designing your ductwork, you just sketch the ductwork out.  From the sketch you figure out the pieces that you require and then order them from your preferred supplier.
  • Easy to transport - Clamp together ductwork is also easier to transport, as the ductwork usually comes in 5 foot sections.
  • Easy to install - When it comes time to install the ductwork, all you need to do is begin installing it and trim any pieces that are too long.
  • Ideal for mobile systems – Portable applications that require frequent disassembly and re-assembly.

The Restrictions of Clamp Together Ductwork

One thing to be aware of is that clamp together ductwork cannot be used as the ductwork between a dust collector and the no-return/ isolation valve.  NFPA specifications require that the ductwork be flanged together and strong enough to prevent a breach in case of an explosion.  This means when you are designing and installing the system, this ductwork needs to be ordered as flanged ductwork.  The no-return / isolation valve will have specifications on the distance it needs to be from the dust collector.  They may also have guidelines on elbows etc.  Most clamp together ductwork suppliers offer flanged ductwork too.  So you just need to order the required flanged ductwork when you are ordering the rest of your ductwork.


To learn more about which dust collector, please contact our experts at 440-543-7400 or click on the button below to get our Dust Collection System Evaluation Guide.



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Topics: dust collector, GPC Cyclone, dust collection system efficiency, clamp together ductwork

Un-powered Valve Saves Initial Cost and Operating Costs over Rotary Airlock Valve

Posted by Tom Hobson on Dec 13, 2018 9:30:00 AM

Look under almost any dust collector and you will see a rotary airlock valve spinning its rotor and emptying the collected contents from the hopper. These valves have long been used to maintain a seal in vacuum dust collection systems while simultaneously providing an escape route for the dust. The advantages of a rotary airlock for dust collectors include, automatic hopper emptying, minimal vacuum pressure loss, and the many options available to meet specific application needs. Rotary valves can be custom fit to handle high temperatures, harsh chemical environments, and abrasive materials. Rotary valves do however, have a few major drawbacks.

Because rotary airlocks are sealed tight to the atmosphere they can be very difficult to clean. Cleaning a rotary valve often involves removing the drive assembly, end plate, and finally the rotor. This process can take hours to perform. Rotary valves are also expensive to operate. Typically, these valves are left running continuously, even when there is no dust present in the hopper. This not only wastes electricity but puts undo wear on the valve. Repair and replacement parts for rotary airlock valves can be quite costly as well. Even with these shortcomings, the rotary airlock remains the industry standard for most dust discharge applications.

One alternative which has been gaining popularity is a non-powered automatic dust discharge valve. These valves, like the Armadillo and Platypus Vacu-Valves from Aerodyne, rely on the negative pressure (max -18" W.C.) of a dust collector to hold a rubber sleeve closed to maintain an airlock. As the weight of the dust in the hopper builds up, the sleeve is forced open and dust is discharged from the valve. Leaf springs inserted into the valves sleeve also help to counterbalance the vacuum. A video demonstration of how this works is available here. The valves are available with a variety of sleeve materials for different applications. While these valves can not be used in every dust collection system they are a very economical alternative to expensive rotary valves.

The Vacu-Valves from Aerodyne are priced at a fraction of the cost of standard rotary airlock valves and require no electricity to operate. These valves have no controls and require no lubrication. They easily handle abrasive materials that would jam or wear out a rotary valve.

To learn more about which dust collector valve is right for you, please contact our experts at 440-543-7400 or click on the button below to get our infographic, Vacu-Valve is a Simpler Solution.

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Topics: rotary valves, trickle valve, vacu-valve, airlocks valve, airlock, maintaining air valves

Cyclonic Dust Collection Can Reduce Fabric Filter Baghouse Maintenance Costs and Downtime

Posted by Tom Hobson on Dec 7, 2018 11:15:00 AM

At one time mechanical dust collectors were the industry standard in dust collection and air pollution control. However, with an ever increasing focus on air quality, EPA regulations regarding dust collection have steered the manufacturing world toward the higher efficiency capabilities of fabric filter baghouses, cartridge filters, and other dust collection equipment utilizing filter media. This change has undoubtedly helped to reduce the amount of harmful emissions released into the atmosphere in manufacturing processes. Unfortunately, the use of these fabric filter baghouse collectors is not without cost. The limitations of filter media such as moisture, heat, and high particulate volumes have added to the challenges of successful dust collection. Additionally, the high cost of bag or cartridge replacement, maintenance issues, and expensive pulse-jet controls to clean filter media can add up. The solution to these headaches for many has been the use of mechanical dust collectors before final-stage filtration.

Mechanical dust collectors use a cyclonic air flow to separate particulate from an air stream. The centrifugal force created by the rotary flow throws the dust out of the air stream and toward the walls of the collector. In a typical cyclone, the particulate strikes the wall of the collector and falls to a hopper below for collection. Cleaned air is then vented through the top of the collector. While this form of collection can be highly efficient in dealing with large, dense particulate, extremely fine dust lacks the inertia to escape the air stream and is subsequently carried out with the cleaned air. Some high efficiency cyclones like the Aerodyne 'S' Series, use two air streams, to more efficiently separate the dust. The Aerodyne's powerful secondary air stream intercepts the particulate before it contacts the side wall, reducing wear when handling abrasive materials. This secondary air stream also helps to sustain the cyclonic action inside the collector, thereby increasing its efficiency.


Filter media dust collectors such as baghouses and cartridge filters use a fine filter media to remove dust from an air stream. The dust-laden air is drawn into the collector where it passes through the filter media and particulate is intercepted. Dust builds up on the filter until it is cleaned or replaced. Cleaned air is then vented out of the collector.

Many manufacturing processes involve circumstances that make it very difficult to rely completely on a baghouse. Heavy dust loading can be a maintenance nightmare for a filter media collector. A rock crushing operation based out of Minnesota realized the benefits of placing a cyclonic dust collector before its baghouse. The enormous amount of rock dust generated in the crushing operation was blinding the bags and causing frequent shutdowns. The decision was made to install a cyclonic dust collector to receive the dust before being sent through the bag house. The cyclone captured the vast majority of the rock dust, leaving only a small amount of fine particulate for the bag house to handle. The cost of the additional equipment was quickly recovered through fewer shutdowns and less frequent bag replacement.

Processes involving high temperature exhaust gas also plague filter media collectors. The hot air temperatures exhausted from foundries, glass making plants, and power plants can burn the filter media used by most baghouses. While high temperature filter bags and cartridge filters are available, they can be an expensive addition and are still not completely immune to the heat. Used as a spark arrestor, a cyclonic dust collector can be placed before a bag house to both reduce the temperature of the air stream and the particulate loading before it enters a final stage filter.

While a mechanical dust collector may not be necessary in every application, the benefits that can be gained from this proven technology are evident. As emission standards become more stringent and process costs continue to rise, any advantage that can be taken should be considered. By comparing process costs such as materials, labor, and downtime with the expense of a cyclone, a decision can be made as to the need for such equipment.

To learn more about the different types of Dust Collection methods please contact our experts at 440-543-7400 or click on the button below to get our whitepaper, Not Your Grandfather's Cyclone. 

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Topics: dust collector, cartridge collector, horizontal cyclone, pre-filter, dust collection system efficiency, maintaining air valves, splitScream Cyclone

Prevent Filter Fires with Proper System Design

Posted by Tom Hobson on Nov 29, 2018 11:00:00 AM

Dust collection system design can be a very complicated process. Beyond determining variables such as air volumes, drop sizes, and capture velocities, there is perhaps no more important design consideration than fire prevention. This is especially true in systems that are used in hot work applications, such as sawing, grinding, or sanding, where sparks can potentially be generated. If a spark is drawn into a system’s ductwork, it has the possibility of travelling all the way to the system filters which are typically constructed of combustible materials. If this happens, the filters can catch on fire, which can lead to catastrophic destruction of the dust collection system, the entire building, or result in serious injury or loss of life.

Any well thought out system will take this scenario into consideration and incorporate preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of this happening. Installing a spark arrestor in the duct work before the baghouse is a method that is commonly used to reduce fire risk. Spark arrestors vary in design, but most of them are designed with the intent of slowing the spark down, allowing it to cool down and burn out before it can do any damage to the baghouse or cartridge collector.

Another option is incorporating a pre-filter cyclone before the fabric filters. A cyclone works on the same principle when it comes to spark arresting, using centrifugal force to direct any sparks to the cylindrical surface of the cyclone, spinning them along the metal walls of the cyclone where they are drained of their energy via conduction. The cyclone has the added benefit of removing the majority of heavier particulate before it reaches the filters, which alleviates overall system loading.

The ongoing emphasis by OSHA and NFPA on combustible dusts and dust collection systems in general means that regulatory compliance will become increasingly important for any facility that uses dust collectors.  Prevention and suppression devices such as sprinklers in the ductwork, explosion vents, chemical suppression systems, and pre-filter cyclones can all be used to reduce and possibly eliminate the risk of fire. The type of dust being collected, the combustibility of the dust, dust particle size, and filter construction are among the factors that must be considered when selecting the appropriate fire protection for your system.

Which prevention or suppression system does your dust collection system need? Asking that question is the first step in protecting your system, your facility, and the people who work in your facility.

To learn more about how Aerodyne can help you keep your dust collection filter cleaning system operating efficiently,  please contact our experts at 440-543-7400 or click on the button below to get our whitepaper, Top 5 Reasons to Use a Cyclone as a Pre-filter.

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Topics: dust collector, cartridge collector, horizontal cyclone, pre-filter, dust collection system efficiency, maintaining air valves

Avoid Filter Failure by Using a Pre-Filter Cyclone

Posted by Tom Hobson on Nov 27, 2018 2:30:00 PM

Because of their overall effectiveness and reliability, baghouses and cartridge collectors are the most widely used dust collectors in industry today. The filters in these systems are very effective at capturing several types of particulate matter and have the benefit of being able to be regularly cleaned, which keeps overall system efficiency at peak levels.

But, some types of dusts can prove to be problematic for filters. For instance, fibrous dusts, such as those generated in paper or textile processing facilities, can become embedded in filter media and fail to release during cleaning cycles. Wet or sticky dusts that are common in food processing applications or in facilities with high humidity can provide similar challenges with wet or sticky particulate material becoming caked on the filter surfaces. Many types of filter media are also adversely affected by being exposed to moisture because it may cause the filter to degrade rapidly, allowing holes to develop.

With so much of the efficiency of a dust collector relying on the integrity of its filters, any circumstance that might allow the filters to become impeded with wet, sticky, or fibrous material needs to be prevented. If not, the entire system will experience higher pressure drops, lower airflows, decreased efficiency, and possibly lead to unsafe working conditions or violations of air emission permits.

One proven method of keeping filters from becoming impeded by problematic dusts is to install a pre-filter cyclone in the dust collection system. The cyclone is designed to remove larger, heavier dust, while allowing smaller particles to pass through the cyclone and through the filters. In many applications, 80-90% of the particulate matter entering the cyclone is removed, which is a significant reduction in overall system loading. This is especially true when dealing with wet, sticky, or fibrous dust.  With this decreased volume of dust reaching the filters, filter life is extended, with cleaning and replacement needed less frequently. This means reduced maintenance cost while sustaining optimal operating efficiency.

To learn more about pre-filter cyclones, click on the button below.

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Topics: dust collector, cartridge collector, horizontal cyclone, traditional cyclone, pre-filter, dust collection system efficiency

Ensure Dust Collection System Efficiency by Maintaining Air Valves

Posted by Tom Hobson on Oct 31, 2018 1:05:00 PM

For dust collection systems to operate as they are designed, baghouse and cartridge collector filters need to be regularly cleaned.  Many systems employ compressed air for this purpose, periodically sending blasts of air through the filters which effectively removes particulate matter from them. The frequency of these cleaning cycles can be controlled by various methods, such as a pressure drop monitor that allows for detection of a filter that is beginning to clog, or with a simple timer. Air flow is typically controlled with the use of a solenoid operated diaphragm valve.

These valves are the critical component in keeping a system operating at peak efficiency. A valve that is stuck in the closed position or does not open when required will not allow the filters to be cleaned, which will result in an overloaded system that could potentially allow higher than expected levels of particulate to be discharged into the atmosphere or lead to premature system failure due to increased loading.  Conversely, a valve that gets stuck in the open position will result in costly compressed air being constantly sent through the filters.

Maintaining the health of these valves is obviously an essential factor in promoting the long term effectiveness of a dust collection system. The simplest way to achieve this is by making sure that the valves are included in a preventive or predictive maintenance program, so that any issues can be addressed before they become major problems. More advanced systems provide continuous monitoring of valve operation, which can alert maintenance personnel to any problems with the valves or the system in general.

To learn more about how Aerodyne can help you keep your dust collection filter cleaning system operating efficiently,  please contact our experts at 440-543-7400 or click on the button below to watch Dust Collection System Maintenance Video.

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Topics: dust collector, cartridge collector, horizontal cyclone, traditional cyclone, pre-filter, dust collection system efficiency, maintaining air valves

Fire Protection Provided by the Power of a Pre-filter Cyclone

Posted by Tom Hobson on Oct 31, 2018 10:45:00 AM

When designing a dust collection system, one of the most critical design considerations is fire protection. Filter media that are typically used in baghouses, cartridges, or simple filters are most often constructed out of combustible materials. If your dust collection system is being used for an application that is likely to produce sparks, such as cutting, grinding, sanding, or welding, then there is a possibility that a spark could reach the filters and cause an explosion or fire in the system, which could lead to catastrophic damage and potentially loss of life.

One method of preventing sparks from reaching the filters is to incorporate a pre-filter cyclone as a spark arrestor. Air that is contaminated with dust enters the cyclone through an inlet and is then directed towards the walls of the unit. Centrifugal force then takes over, as heavier particles are carried outwards to the wall of the cyclone, spinning along the walls until discharged at the bottom into a hopper. Because cyclones are typically constructed of metal, any spark that touches the cyclone wall will be drained of heat due to thermal conductivity losses. The combination of reducing the speed of the spark and allowing it to lose energy in the cyclone result in an economical and proven method of spark arresting in dust collection systems.

In addition to working as a spark arrestor, a cyclone provides the additional benefit of collecting 80-90% of dust that would otherwise reach the filters.  This results in longer filter life and decreased load on the system which can greatly reduce energy costs.


To learn more about how a cyclone could be utilized in your dust collection application, please contact our experts at 440-543-7400 or click on the button below to get your Cyclone Brochure.

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Topics: dust collector, cartridge collector, horizontal cyclone, traditional cyclone, pre-filter

The Pulse-On-Demand Controller – the Wave of the Future

Posted by Tom Hobson on Aug 29, 2018 11:30:00 AM

While Aerodyne doesn’t manufacture baghouses or their controllers, it seems like we’re always working with them. However, as we like to say, the pulse-on-demand controller is the wave of the future.  Sure, the old baghouse controller is still functional, but the rising cost of energy and the growing concern about waste make the pulse-on-demand controller the ideal choice.

The pulse-on-demand controller measures the pressure drop across the filters.  When the pressure drop gets above a certain amount (as set by the user) the cleaning system will automatically start up.  It will continue to clean until the pressure drop get below a certain amount (again set by the user).  This process then repeats itself throughout operation.

This means that you won’t have to clean your filters unless you need them, which makes everyone’s life easier, except maybe for the bag manufacturer!  Less cleaning also means that your filters will last longer, and you’ll save extra money otherwise spent using more compressed air.

To increase the time between required cleanings, you can also add a cyclone pre-filter before the baghouse section to decrease the loading on the baghouse, so that it takes longer for the filter’s pressure drop to increase. This way, your bags will last longer while your compressor works less, saving your facility money.

Learn more about pre-filter.

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Topics: dust collector, cartridge collector, Dust Collection System Evaluation Guide, horizontal cyclone, traditional cyclone, pre-filter

The Power of Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) in Dust Collectors

Posted by Tom Hobson on Aug 28, 2018 9:15:13 AM

Over the past few years, the relative cost of VFDs comparative to motor starters has dropped, making the VFD an attractive replacement.  When used in a dust collector, VFDs provide many more benefits than do motor starters.

First, the VFD allows you to soft-start a system. When you start up a dust collection system in very cold or arctic weather, if you immediately start it at full speed, the fan could draw very high power. However, when the process gets up to steady state (i.e. a higher operating temperature than ambient air), the power level will then go down significantly.  The VFD allows you to avoid this power dip by slowly ramping up the fan speed as the temperature increases, so you won’t have to oversize your motor to compensate for startup.

The main benefit of the VFD, however, is that it allows you to fine-tune your dust collection system to handle real-world conditions and requirements.  It’s easy to change the fan’s operating speed, thereby increasing its speed when more airflow is required, or to decrease it when a higher speed is unnecessary. For example, if you’re sizing a dust collection system and plan on opening up another line or expansion, you can install a larger fan and operate the system at a lower speed, increasing fan speed whenever practical.  The VFD also allows you the flexibility to adjust the entire system if your initial design flow was too light or heavy.

An ideal instance showing the benefits of a VFD is seen in a facility which was transporting scrap material pneumatically.  However, the facility’s pneumatic system design had a higher static loss than the actual losses after installation. This caused the fan to have a much higher airflow, allowing it to transport large heavy scrap that damaged the fan and the other equipment downstream.  By contrast, installing a VFD on the fan would allow them to cut back on the airflow, thereby preventing the larger scrap from entering the system in the first place.

Finally, the VFD also allows you to adjust your dust collection system based on unforeseen changes that happen over its lifetime.  It’s a truism that all systems requirements can change over time: equipment is constantly changed, modified, added and removed.  Naturally, all this alteration likewise affects the dust collection system.  However, you can mitigate this by using a VFD which allows you greater flexibility in adapting to these changes.

The next time you’re designing and/or installing a dust collection system, save yourself a possible headache in future by installing a VFD.

Find out more. Dust Efficiency Clinic

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Topics: dust collector, cartridge collector, horizontal cyclone, traditional cyclone, variable frequency drives

Benefits of a Horizontal Cyclone: A Short and Sweet Space-Saver

Posted by Tom Hobson on Jun 29, 2018 2:15:00 PM

Almost everyone in this industry is familiar with using a cyclone for dust collection. Cyclones work great as pre-filters, decreasing loading and minimizing contamination before a baghouse or cartridge collector. However, many times you don’t have the head room to install them.  Or you have an existing dust collector and no room to install a cyclone pre-filter. 

Traditional cyclones are tall, vertically oriented structures. Indoors, they take up a lot of room. If they are outdoors, there can be maintenance issues.  There are even installations where a hole in the roof is required to install the cyclone. That is obviously very expensive.

All of these challenges can be overcome by selecting a horizontal cyclone.  Because they are horizontal, they are usually ⅓ the height of a traditional cyclone.  This means they can fit in low headroom areas.  The other benefit is that both the inlet and outlet of the cyclone are on the horizontal plane.  That means the cyclone can replace a 90° turn of ductwork (vertical or horizontal), further saving cost

What’s more, some types of horizontal cyclones have a design that increases the efficiency of dust collection, so that a smaller cyclone can match or exceed the efficiency of the tall cyclone. This saves space and cost, because material costs make up a significant portion of the cost of a cyclone

The short version of the story is this. The next time you are thinking about replacing your baghouse or cartridge collector because you can’t install a cyclone pre-filter, investigate a horizontal cyclone.


Find out more.  Horizontal Cyclone

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Topics: dust collector, cartridge collector, Dust Collection System Evaluation Guide, pressure drop, horizontal cyclone, traditional cyclone

Aerodyne Environmental: Home of the Horizontal Cyclone and  Vacu-Valve® Airlock Valve

Inspired To Be Different.

At Aerodyne, we choose to take a different approach to collecting dust and handling materials. Our cyclones are unique in design to address common issues such as problematic dusts and space constraints. Our airlocks are chosen to fit your specific application instead of hastily installing traditional equipment options. We believe that when we see things differently, we can solve problems effectively. That's why so many people turn to us for help in solving their tough dust problems.

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