Dust Collection and Valves Blog

Dust Collection Systems: Dust Hazard Analysis (DHA) and NFPA 652

Posted by Tom Hobson on May 9, 2017 8:15:00 AM

With the release of NFPA 652 and 654, manufacturers that create dust in their processes are required to conduct a Dust Hazard Analysis if the dust is explosive.  NFPA 652 requires this to be done by 9/7/2018 but NFPA 654 has extended it 5 years.  The Dust Hazard Analysis is retroactive, so all manufacturers are required, no one is grandfathered in.

The DHA should be as simple or as complex as the process and needs to be documented for OSHA.  The main purpose of the DHA is to educate the owner and operators on the true hazards and dangers they are facing with their dust, and to make sure they take the proper precautions with it.  The DHA is there as a tool to prevent loss of life, equipment, production time, and capital.

Aerodyne will be addressing the DHA further in future Blogs!  Stay tuned.

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Topics: NFPA 652, DHA

Dust Collection Systems: 5 Best Solutions of Dust Collection Airlocks

Posted by Tom Hobson on Apr 24, 2017 8:30:00 AM

When you are specifying your dust collector, don’t just settle on a rotary valve.  There are other airlocks that might be better suited for your application.  Other airlocks include the double dump (flap) valve, trickle valve, and knife gate.  Not to mention just bypassing an airlock totally and connecting a hopper directly to the bottom of the dust collector.

The following will help you figure out which is the best solution:

  1. Rotary valve – Use this if you have combustible dust. However, you will have constant air leakage across the valve.
  2. Double dump valve – Use this if you want to minimize air leakage. The Double Dump works great with big, chunky material or if you’re worried the material may wrap around a rotary valve rotor.
  3. Trickle valve – Use to save money and time. Requires a vacuum and usually a fine, free-flowing particle to work effectively.  It’s low cost and easy maintenance makes it very attractive when suitable.
  4. Knife Gates – Used for periodic emptying of the dust collector hopper into another container. Knife gates come in a variety of design (knife gate, slide gate, orifice type, etc.).  Depending on the design, they can provide an airtight seal or not.  However when open, the airlock is lost.
  5. Direct couple to a hopper – Used with low dust loading and could require the dust collector to be turned off during changing of the hopper. Also be-careful to take into account the lower hopper when used on a combustible dust application.

When you are looking for an airlock, don’t just automatically use a rotary valve.  Doing so may cause operational and maintenance issues in the future.  It could also cost you more money.  If you would like help in picking the best airlock, don’t hesitate to contact Aerodyne at 440-543-7400 or dc@dustcollectorhq.com. He is available to help you to solve your dust collection issues.

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Topics: knife gate valve, rotary valves, double dump valve, trickle valve, direct couple to hopper

Dust Collection Systems: Rotary Valves and NFPA-69

Posted by Tom Hobson on Apr 10, 2017 8:30:00 AM

When you have a combustible dust, not only does your dust collector require to be protected against a deflagration, but the airlock must contain the event.  NFPA-69 allows the use of a rotary valve as long as the following:

  1. Deflagration isolation by flame quenching (close-clearance valves) or
  2. Deflagration isolation by material blocking (product layer above the valve)

Most rotary valves use flame quenching to achieve compliance with the spec.  Basically this requires the valve to have a clearance to the housing no greater than 0.2 mm and have at least six vanes, so that two vanes are isolating the event at all times.

Many rotary valves manufacturers comply with these specifications.  When you are looking at a rotary valve for you combustible dust application, remember to confirm that the valve complies with NFPA-69. 

If you are having operational issues on your dust collection system, contact Aerodyne at 440-543-7400 or dc@dustcollectorhq.com.  He is available to help you problem solve your dust collection issues.




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Topics: dust collector, rotary valves, NFPA-69, combustible dust, deflagration

Dust Collection Systems: Instrumentation 101 - Differential Pressure Gages

Posted by Tom Hobson on Mar 20, 2017 9:01:00 AM

A dust collection system is much more than just the dust collector (ex. Cyclone, baghouse, cartridge collector, wet scrubber, etc.).  It constitutes the exhaust fan, hoods, instrumentation and interconnecting ductwork.  If any of these components are improperly sized or operating, the whole system can fail in its primary objective, dust collection.

Today we are discussing the differential pressure gage.  The differential pressure gage is an often overlooked piece of equipment on dust collectors, especially cyclones.  By measuring the differential pressure across your dust collector, you are monitoring your system performance.  If the differential pressure gage suddenly changes, it is telling you something has recently changed in your system.  If you see a gradual change in the differential pressure, then it is telling you that the system is gradually changing.

A sudden change is telling you that the airflow has suddenly increased or decreased.  This could be caused by a variety of reason (plugging of filters, opening of damper, closing of damper, etc.)  When you see this happen, your removal efficiency will be affected.  So it’s better to start identifying the issue before you are forced to.

A gradual change is telling you that the ductwork or filters are starting to plug up.  This could be normal operating conditions or caused by a change in process.  When you notice a gradual change in the pressure drop, schedule a maintenance inspection before it gets too drastic.  That way you won’t be forced shut down in an emergency.

If you are having operational issues on your dust collection system, contact Aerodyne at 440-543-7400 or dc@dustcollectorhq.com.

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Topics: dust, gpc, Pressure Gages, Sudden change in airflow

Dust Collection Systems: Fan Wheels 101

Posted by Tom Hobson on Mar 8, 2017 9:01:00 AM

A dust collection system is much more than just the dust collector (ex. Cyclone, baghouse, cartridge collector, wet scrubber, etc.).  It constitutes the exhaust fan, hoods, instrumentation and interconnecting ductwork.  If any of these components are improperly sized or operating, the whole system can fail in its primary objective, dust collection.

Today we are discussing the exhaust fan.  The exhaust fan could be the most important component in the dust collection system.  It provides the motive force for the whole system.  If it isn’t performing as required, the system will fail.  The proper fan impeller (wheel) must be used if the fan is to operate correctly.

There are three types of wheels/impellers:

  • Radial wheel (Ex. open material handling and material handling) - These wheels should be used when the fan is on the dirty side of a dust collector or after a dust collector where a large amount of dust remains in the airstream (ex. after drop out box). The wheel is designed so it can handle dust in the air.  The open type wheel is used when there is a high dust loading and/or the dust is fibrous.  Its design helps prevent the dust from wrapping around the wheel.
  • Air handling wheel – The air handling wheel is designed for clean airstreams or extremely light dust loading. These wheels should always be used on the clean side of and dust collector and never on the dirty side.  They are usually more efficient in air movement than the radial wheels.
  • Axial wheel – These wheels are usually never used on dust collection systems. They will move a lot of air, but without much force behind them.  If possible, stay away from axial fans on your dust collector system.

If you are having issues with the fan on your dust collector, check the wheel.  Make sure you are using the proper type.    

Find out more at Dust Efficiency Clinic.

Dust Efficiency Clinic

If you are having operational issues on your dust collection system, contact Aerodyne at 440-543-7400 or dc@dustcollectorhq.com.

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Topics: dust, gpc, Fan Wheels, Fan Impellers

Case Study: Compact Cyclone Key Component in Tablet Dust Reclamation? GPC Helps Keep Pharmaceutical Process in Check with FDA

Posted by Tom Hobson on Feb 20, 2017 8:30:00 AM

Aerodyne Environmental, the industry’s leading manufacturer of industrial cyclonic dust collectors and dust collection valves, recently assisted in a pharmaceutical application. A prominent US pharmaceutical company was creating a dust collection system for the facility where a variety of drugs are manufactured. The company plans on using a cartridge collector as part of the tablet manufacturing process. Because this company is regulated by the FDA, every gram of product must be accounted for, even the dust. The active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) that are created are extremely fine and flow like water. The cartridge collector would be able to collect the particulate in the process, but much of it would get stuck in the filters and would be hard to account for. Read more about this case study.


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Topics: pharmaceutical, compact cyclone, tablet dust reclamation

Aerodyne Cyclones help with Pharmaceutical Product Reconciliation

Posted by Tom Hobson on Feb 7, 2017 9:00:00 AM

Do you need to provide product reconciliation or are you spending too much time gathering the product from your dust collector?

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Topics: pharmaceutical, EZBIBO, compact cyclone

Introducing the “EZBIBO” for Pharmaceutical Processes? A Beginner’s Guide to Easy Bag-In Bag-Out Hopper Waste Reclamation System!

Posted by Tom Hobson on Jan 23, 2017 8:15:00 AM

Slide3 - Copy.jpgThe “EZBIBO” system was originally designed for use with Aerodyne GPC Cyclones to allow for easier bag-in bag-out capture systems for low toxic level pharmaceutical dusts typically encountered with encapsulators, pill coating systems, and some mixing operations.  The system allows for capture and bagging of waste material in the pharmaceutical process allowing for weighing and accounting of all materials used in a process, with minimal exposure to operation personnel.

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Topics: cyclone, dust collector, gpc, Waste Reclamation System, pharmaceutical, EZBIBO, pill coating system

4 Potential Dangers to Collectors! How Cyclone Pre-Filters Can Help!

Posted by Tom Hobson on Jan 16, 2017 10:49:13 AM

With government regulations tightening on solid emissions, baghouses and cartridge collectors have become status quo in the past 40 years.  The fabric filters (bags or cartridges) remove dust below 1 micron in size.  The high removal efficiency of the filters, have been considered best available removal technology.  This means most processes requiring dust collectors will use a baghouse or cartridge collector.  However, not all processes work well with baghouses and dust collectors.

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Topics: baghouse, Cyclone Pre-Filter, cartridge collector, solid emission, High Particulate Loading, Particulate Recovery

Pharmaceutical Industry: What’s Aerodyne GPC Cyclone got to do with it?

Posted by Tom Hobson on Jan 12, 2017 8:46:52 AM

The pharmaceutical industry has unique requirements that normal industrial applications do not have.  Whether it’s the strict FDA rules or the flexibility of batch production, normal industrial practices and equipment don’t always apply.  Even with continuous production becoming more popular, pharmaceutical applications are different than standard industrial applications.

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Topics: cyclone, dust, gpc, pharmaceutical

Aerodyne Environmental: Home of the Horizontal Cyclone and  Vacu-Valve® Airlock Valve

Inspired To Be Different.

At Aerodyne, we choose to take a different approach to collecting dust and handling materials. Our cyclones are unique in design to address common issues such as problematic dusts and space constraints. Our airlocks are chosen to fit your specific application instead of hastily installing traditional equipment options. We believe that when we see things differently, we can solve problems effectively. That's why so many people turn to us for help in solving their tough dust problems.

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