Dust Collection and Valves Blog

How Do I Inspect My Dust Collection System? | Aerodyne

Posted by Tom Hobson on Jun 21, 2019 11:49:43 AM

We all know that getting the oil change in our car regularly is important to the car being able to get you around when you need it.  However, your dust collector needs regular maintenance too.  The dust collector system consists of hoods, ductwork, air-material separators (cyclones, baghouse, cartridge collectors, wet scrubbers, etc.), explosion protection equipment, airlocks, instrumentation, and exhaust fans. 

All of these items should be checked at least once a year to make sure they are operating correctly.  The following points briefly describe what each piece of equipment needs:

1. Hoods

  • Visual inspection to make sure they haven’t been damaged during the year.
  • Measure airflow velocity to make sure they are collecting the design airflow.
  • If a local damper is located by hood for balancing, make sure it is operable and in the correct position.

2. Ductwork

  • Visual inspection to make sure no holes have developed.
  • Measure air velocity through ductwork to make sure designed airflow is correct.
  • If possible, visual inspection of duct internal to make sure dust isn’t building up.

3. Air Material Separators

  • Measure pressure drop across the separator to see if it is within parameters.
  • Inspect cleaning process (baghouses and cartridge collectors) that they are operating properly (timing, valves opening, air pressure, etc.). See operations and maintenance manual.  Often time, listening to the system will let you know if it is operating correctly.
  • Monitor recycle line pressure and overflow in wet scrubbers.
  • Visual inspection of vessel walls to be sure there are no holes.

4. Explosion Protection Equipment

  • NFPA requires yearly inspection, following the manufactures manual is very important so the explosion protection equipment will protect the facility, equipment, and workers as it was designed.
  • Some explosion protection equipment such as chemical suppression should be done by factory trained personnel.

5. Airlocks

  • Rotary valves
    • Should be checked to see they are still spinning
    • Bearings should be greased and temperature measured to make sure they aren’t overheating
    • On explosive applications the rotor clearance should be measured to make sure it still complies with NFPA 69.
  • Pneumatic valves (slide gates, double flap valves, etc.)
    • Valves should be tested to make sure they are still operating as designed.
    • Air pressure should be measured, to be sure it is still within design parameters.
  • Motorized valves (rotary valve, double flap valves, etc.)
    • Bearings should be greased
    • Bearing temperature should be measured to be sure they aren’t overheating
  • Trickle valves
    • The sleeve should be inspected to be sure it is still sealing
    • During operation confirm that material is still draining and material hasn’t bridged above it.

6. Instrumentation

  • Level gages, pressure gages, VFDs, pH meters, zero speed switches, etc. all have different maintenance requirements.
  • Follow the manual of the specific model for maintenance and inspection.

7. Exhaust Fans

  • The fan housing should be inspected to make sure no holes are present.
  • The voltage and amps should be measured to make sure it is operating at its design condition.
  • The bearings should be greased and temperature checked to be sure they aren’t overheating.
  • The fan’s vibration should be checked along with checking to see if any abnormal noise is emanating from the fan.

To learn more about which dust collector, please contact our experts at 440-543-7400 or visit our website: www.dustcollectorhq.com.

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Topics: dust collector, airlocks valve, Dust Efficiency Clinic

It’s a New Year…Have You Checked Your Dust Collector??

Posted by Tom Hobson on Jan 16, 2018 3:19:10 PM

A simple dust collection system is composed of the exhaust fan, dust collector (cyclone, baghouse, cartridge collector, wet scrubber, etc.), ductwork, and hoods.  An issue with one of these components could cause your dust collection system to fail or not work as designed.  However, the dust collector is usually the most complex component and the most likely to develop issues, but is often the most neglected.  Just like an automobile, proper maintenance of a dust collector could save a whole lot of issues in the future.

A variety of issues can develop in the operation of dust collectors.  We will discuss baghouses specifically, but cartridge collectors have very similar issues, while cyclones and wet scrubbers have their own set of items that need attention.

Plugged filters.  Bag Filters are the primary component in dust collection.  If they aren’t operating correctly, the dust collection will not be operating properly.  The filters can fail if they get plugged up or develop holes.  When plugged up, they will not let the proper amount of air through, which will cause the airflow through the system to decline; thereby, picking up less dust at the pickup points.  Plugged filters can be spotted by monitoring the pressure drop across the bags or noticing less air movement at the pickup points.  When filters are plugged up, they should be replaced and quickly. 

Holes in the bag filters allow dust past the filters; thereby, decreasing the removal efficiency in the system.  This can cause you to violate your EPA permit, cause damage to the exhaust fan and/or cause issues with the neighbors.  Holes in the filters can be spotted by bag break monitors, stack testing, or noticing dust in the exhaust.  When bags are broken they should be replaced, however, it is often difficult to identify which bag has the hole so often times multiple (if not all) bags should be replaced.

Inspect these other components.  Baghouses also contain many supplementary items that help them operate effectively.  These can also develop issues which causes the system to fail.  These items include solenoid valves, poppet valves, control panel, bag support cages and venturi, diffuser, hopper and airlocks. These items should be inspected, cleaned and components replaced if necessary.

Other factors to consider:  Failure in the cleaning system will cause high pressure drop.  Damage to the cages could cause holes in the bags.  Damage to the diffuser will cause some bags to plug up faster than others.  Damage to the hopper or excess dust in the hopper will cause higher dust concentrations that decreases removal efficiency.  An inoperative or inappropriate airlock will cause dust build up in the hopper and/or air leakage.

A yearly inspection of your baghouse will help you identify these issues before they develop. This will help your dust collection system operate at peak efficiency and as it was designed.  And as with your automobile, preventative maintenance ends up saving you money in the long run.  If your baghouse stops operating you will have to do an emergency repair or, as is most often the case, it will gradually decrease in its efficiency without you noticing. You will then be wasting your money on operating a system that isn’t effective.  And if you are inspected, you could be fined.

If you are having operational issues on your dust collection system, contact Aerodyne at 440-543-7400 or dc@dustcollectorhq.com or click the button below.

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Topics: dust, Dust Efficiency Clinic, Plugged Filters, Holes in Bag Filters

Aerodyne Environmental: Home of the Horizontal Cyclone and  Vacu-Valve® Airlock Valve

Inspired To Be Different.

At Aerodyne, we choose to take a different approach to collecting dust and handling materials. Our cyclones are unique in design to address common issues such as problematic dusts and space constraints. Our airlocks are chosen to fit your specific application instead of hastily installing traditional equipment options. We believe that when we see things differently, we can solve problems effectively. That's why so many people turn to us for help in solving their tough dust problems.

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