Dust Collection and Valves Blog

U.S. Government Features Aerodyne Dust Collector for Flakeboard Production

Posted by Tom Hobson on Oct 25, 2010 10:31:47 AM

The field of industrial ventilation and dust collection has come a long way in the past 25 years. Stringent governmental regulations regarding dust emissions coupled with an increased focus on worker’s health and safety have encouraged dust collection technology to become more efficient, more effective, and at times more complicated than ever before. However, even with all of the recent technological advances in dust collection there still exist some of the same problems that have plagued us for decades.

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Industrial Dust Collection System Checklist – Part 2

Posted by Tom Hobson on Oct 13, 2010 5:19:20 AM

It would be great if you could simply pull a dust collector out of the box, plug it in and never think about it again. Unfortunately, as every plant manager and plant engineer knows all too well, this just isn’t the case. Here are a few more critical areas that must be addressed in order for the installation and operation of an industrial dust collection system to operate at its peak performance.

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Dust Collection System Checklist - Part 1

Posted by Tom Hobson on Oct 5, 2010 11:16:18 AM

Once a dust collector has been sized for an application there are still a number of things to address before and after installation in order to make sure this important piece of process equipment operates efficiently and reliably. Whether you are installing a baghouse, cartridge filter, cyclone, or any combination of these types of dust collectors, taking a close look at some critical areas in advance can save a lot of time, money, and headache down the road. Here are two basic areas to check to make sure the installation and operation of your dust collection system runs smoothly.

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Aerodyne Environmental: Home of the Horizontal Cyclone and  Vacu-Valve® Airlock Valve

Inspired To Be Different.

At Aerodyne, we choose to take a different approach to collecting dust and handling materials. Our cyclones are unique in design to address common issues such as problematic dusts and space constraints. Our airlocks are chosen to fit your specific application instead of hastily installing traditional equipment options. We believe that when we see things differently, we can solve problems effectively. That's why so many people turn to us for help in solving their tough dust problems.

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