A multinational grain processing company was looking to add a few dryers to one of their soy processing facilities. The company uses Aerodyne’s SplitStream dust collectors in tandem with the dryers in the operation. Plant operators have been turning to Aerodyne for dust collection needs for years and turned to Aerodyne again for new S-Collectors to work with the new dryers.
The Aerodyne SplitStream Dust Collector achieves high-efficiency by forcing dirty gases into a powerful centrifugal motion. The centrifugal action throws dust particulate out of the gas stream. A secondary air stream carries the dust particulate to the hopper, keeping dust away from the collector walls and reducing sticking and abrasion. As a result, the SplitStream virtually eliminates maintenance problems common to other types of cyclones. The prevention of particulate contact with external walls is a major factor in the unit’s ability to achieve high efficiency ratings. Since the SpiltStream does not use bags or filter cartridges, the collected product is easily returned to the process for reuse or sent out for disposal.
The SplitStream dust collectors have two functions in this operation. First, the SplitStream provides dust removal from the airstream. It pulls and collects the texturized soy dust for disposal. The SplitStream also helps cool the exhaust gas during the operation.
To find out more information on this mulch-functional dust collector, click the photo below.