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Aerodyne has released a new animation demonstrating how industrial dust collectors operate in a mining or quarry application. In the demo, the Ground-Plate (GPC) Cyclonic Dust Collector and the Vacu-Valve trickle valve system show how industrial dust collection systems manage the dirty air that is created in mining applications.
The GPC dust collector functions as a compact high-efficiency cyclone dust collector, with several distinct advantages over competitive units. The spiral inlet of the GPC directs the dirty gas stream toward the ground plate and hopper of the collector. The compact size of the GPC allows for efficient use of space in mining applications, and with its ability to be installed vertically or horizontally the GPC distinctly sets itself apart from other industrial dust collectors on the market. Coupled with the low-cost, low-maintenance Vacu-Valve, which requires no controls, lubrication, or power supply, the GPC is able to effectively eliminate the dirty air from the mining process.
Click here to view the new animation about industrial dust collection in a mining application. For more information on any item from the Aerodyne product line, visit www.dustcollectorhq.com. To talk to a sales representative and find out which product is better suited for your application call (440)543-7400, Toll Free (800)358-756, or email dc@dustcollectorhq.com.