A manufacturer that specializes in the interior components of a major airline’s planes was having issues with its industrial dust collectors. The facility uses vacuum hoses to
collect Styrofoam that gets sent to 3 cartridge collectors. However, the company found that the larger pieces of Styrofoam that would clog the cartridge collectors. The result of this was constant down time to clean the cartridges and loss of production. Looking for a solution the company contacted Aerodyne Environmental for suggestions.
Knowing the common pitfalls that baghouse collectors and cartridge collectors come with, Aerodyne knew that by installing a GPC in front of the existing cartridge collectors would help to eliminate the company’s issues. The GPC industrial dust collector is a compact high efficiency cyclone dust collector. It has several distinct advantages over common high-efficiency cyclone dust collectors. The spiral inlet of the GPC directs the dirty gas stream toward the ground plate and hopper of the collector. Coupled with the compact size of the collectors, this gives the GPC the ability to be installed horizontally with virtually no effect on the collection efficiency. This cyclonic dust collector can improve any dust collection system.
Placing the GPCs in front of the cartridge collectors has provided numerous benefits to this process. Because the Styrofoam passes through the GPCs before the cartridge collectors, the filter life gets extended. Filters need to be replaced frequently because they fill up with product in a short amount of time. However, by placing a cyclone before the cartridge collector in the process, less Styrofoam reaches the filter which means they don’t have to be replaced as often. Additionally, the GPC is more low maintenance than cartridge collectors. By sending the bulk of the application into the dust collector before the cartridge filter helps maintenance time and costs are drastically reduced.
For more information on how placing an Aerodyne industrial dust collector in front of a baghouse or cartridge collector can improve any process and reduce costs, click the photo below to launch our infographic!