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An independent consultant working for a garbage facility in Seattle, WA was working on a design for a new facility. The new location would be near downtown and would be entirely enclosed. The garbage would be processed within the warehouse. The designer was in the market for small dust collectors that would fit inside and under the 40’ roof. The consultant reached out to Aerodyne for assistance.
Once an Aerodyne salesman received the specifications of the process and found that the facility needed equipment that could handle 150,000 CFM, it was suggested the company use three GPC-132s affixed with 12” pneumatic slide gate valves for the process. The GPC dust collector is a compact high efficiency cyclone dust collector. It has several distinct advantages over common high-efficiency cyclone dust collectors. The spiral inlet of the GPC directs the dirty gas stream toward the ground plate and hopper of the collector. Coupled with the compact size of the collectors, this gives the GPC the ability to be installed horizontally with virtually no effect on the collection efficiency. This cyclonic dust collector can improve any dust collection system. Paired with the pneumatic slide gates, the company will be able to easily control the flow of the waste for better handling.
For more information on how an industrial dust collector from Aerodyne can dramatically improve your application, click the photo below!