A coal burning historical ferry that runs between Michigan and Wisconsin decided to

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upgrade the dust collection system on the ferry. The dust collectors they had in place were old and showing wear. They operators needed something small and yet efficient to attach to the boilers, and capture the fly ash. After seeing the GPC in an online ad, the company reached out to Aerodyne for more information.
The GPC dust collector is a compact high efficiency cyclone dust collector. It has several distinct advantages over common high-efficiency cyclone dust collectors. The spiral inlet of the GPC directs the dirty gas stream toward the ground plate and hopper of the collector. Coupled with the compact size of the collectors, this gives the GPC the ability to be installed horizontally with virtually no effect on the collection efficiency. This cyclonic dust collector can improve any dust collection system.
The GPC’s compact size allowed efficient collection of the fly ash in the compact space that was allotted on the ferry. The ferry operators are pleased with the GPC’s operation and satisfied in choosing Aerodyne to update the dust collection system.
For more information on how the GPC can improve your dust collection system, click the photo below.