A coal washing plant in IN needed to improve its dust collection system. At the facility, coal washing takes place in order to remove contaminants such as rocks, minerals, metals, etc. from the coal. Doing this process helps to reduce the amount of fly ash that is produced once the coal is actually burned. After the coal has been washed it is sent through dryers, where the coal falls to conveyors below. The air in those dryers contains a lot of coal dust. The plant operator wanted something that would capture the coal dust, but didn’t want to disrupt the layout of the operation too much. After stopping by the Aerodyne booth at a trade show, a plant engineer for the company talked to Cole about the process and what Aerodyne could suggest as a solution.
After further analysis of the mechanics and layout of the coal washing process, Cole suggested that the company place 7 GPC-20s that would mount right next to the 7 dryers. The GPCs would be small enough to fit within the allotted parameters and still maintain a high removal efficiency of the coal dust. The GPC dust collector is a compact high efficiency cyclone dust collector. It has several distinct advantages over common high-efficiency cyclone dust collectors. The spiral inlet of the GPC directs the dirty gas stream toward the ground plate and hopper of the collector. Coupled with the compact size of the collectors, this gives the GPC the ability to be installed horizontally with virtually no effect on the collection efficiency. This cyclonic dust collector can improve any dust collection system.
To find out how the GPC can improve your dust collection system, click the photo below.